Why SFIncS r/3 ?

SFIncS r/3 makes it incredibly quick, easy and cost effective to control your fee income with absolute accuracy.
It also offers effortless definition of unlimited charge codes and rates so that your service users billing profiles can be tailored to exactly suit their needs and funding sources.

When dealing with individual service user fees that can run to thousands of pounds per week, just a small fraction of underpayments or overpayments will soon add up to a lot of money.

If you don’t monitor and control your fee income effectively, you could be undercharging or overcharging for fees received from private individuals, local authorities, health boards, charities and insurance companies alike. Unfortunately (and for whatever reason), people often make mistakes when making payments.

Using spreadsheets, accounting packages or paper based systems is time consuming, frustrating and error prone, so in addition to being slow and expensive, the payments you receive may still be be incorrect.



With a proven track record of over 12 years use, built on one of the world’s finest cloud platforms (Microsoft Azure SQL Database) and written in Python using the Django web framework, SFIncS r/3 is completely secure, scalable and available anywhere in the world at any time. It can be used by single or multiple care home operators.

Designed and developed by seasoned independent software consultants who have worked together on major projects at some of the world’s most prestigious companies, including Mercedes-Benz, BP, Coca-Cola, General Motors, Bayer and Shell, but who also have interests in care businesses, SFIncS r/3 is the essential fee income solution for your business.

How Does It Work?

SFIncS r/3 is an incredibly efficient Balance Forward system (like your bank account), which simply means that fee income receipts are subtracted from billed amounts providing the balance; it couldn’t be easier.

Balance Forward systems have evolved with technology to make the process of tracking and managing accounts more efficient and accurate; that’s SFIncS r/3.

SFIncS r/3 offers 2 types of billing (or invoicing):


Our continuous billing software is unique and allows you to specify your regular or recurring charges with the absolute minimum of data entry. It isn’t possible mange your billing  more efficiently.

Ad hoc

Ad hoc billing is used for one-off or irregular charges like hairdressing, newspapers or taxis. There’s also a separate Cashbox module for this. You can use either or both to suit your needs exactly.

Once you’ve entered your billing data, a super quick receipts module records your transactions with just six clicks – and you’re done!

The system simply calculates the difference between billing (or invoicing) charges and transaction receipts to provide the balances you need to stay in control of your fee income. Very simple. Very easy.

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